Strawberry Yogurt Soup
Servings Prep Time
4Servings 10Minutes
Passive Time
Servings Prep Time
4Servings 10Minutes
Passive Time
Strawberry Soup
Yogurt Garnish
  1. Wash and hull the strawberries. In a bowl, mix the strawberries and sugar together.
  2. Allow the berries to sit for 30 minutes. This will allow them to release some juice.
  3. Throw the strawberries, juice, Greek yogurt and lemon juice in a blender.
  4. Blend it up! Taste and adjust for sweetness at this point. If it is to your liking, cover the soup and throw it in the fridge to get chilled.
  5. Mix the Greek yogurt and honey together for garnish.
  6. When it is time to serve, dice up some strawberries, pour in the soup, add in some honeyed Greek yogurt and serve.
Recipe Notes

I had exactly 14oz of strawberries after I hulled them. You need to adjust the recipe to have a 1:1 ratio of strawberry to Greek yogurt.

The amount of sugar will vary depending on how sweet your strawberries are. Start with 3 oz and adjust.

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