Caramelized Thai Chili Chicken
Servings Prep Time
4Servings 10Minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4Servings 10Minutes
Cook Time
Caramel Chicken
To serve
  1. In a bowl, mix together all the ingredients for the "Caramel Chicken" (except the chicken).
  2. In another bowl, mix in 1/4 cup of the sauce with your chicken (make sure each piece is coated).
  3. In a large pan set over medium-high heat, add your chicken and cook until your chicken is seared off (you should see some charring, this will take 5-7 minutes).
  4. When the liquid has evaporated and your chicken has browned, add in the rest of your sauce and peppers (See notes).
  5. Cook on medium-high heat until the liquid has thickened (8-10 minutes). Be careful not to over do it (add a splash of water if the pan got too dry). Remove from the heat when the sauce is at the consistency you like.
  6. Serve with rice.
Recipe Notes

This is amazing with rice!!! Accept no substitute!

If you want your peppers to be crunchy then don't add them in until 1-2 minutes before your dish is done cooking.