Lychee Lime Lemonade

Lychee Lime Lemonade is simple. This delightful drink (as the name implies) is a lemonade…made with lime and lychee. I really want to go into the details of this drink and elaborate on the complex flavors but their is nothing to talk about. What you see is what you get.

You’ve most likely had lemonade before…

If so then just imagine that with the flavors of lychee. Never had lychee?

Then imagine the flavors of rambutan. Never had rambutan?

Then imagine the flavors of longan. Never had longan?

Sorry, I have nothing else to compare it to. I guess you’ll have to pick one of the above and try for yourself. They are all very similar in taste and texture.

This was an accidental recipe. I had extra lemons and limes from this recipe and decided to make lemonade. Nothing special, just the classic combo of juice, sugar and water. In my search for sugar (I am quite unorganized), I noticed a can of lychee and a feeling of “why not?” hit me. Sooooo basically, everything went into the blender and I adjusted for sweetness. That’s it. Simple recipe but with an alluring flavor combination. There really isn’t much else to say. So I’ll stop here to keep you from the pain of reading my babbling. Until next time, enjoy!


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Lychee Lime Lemonade
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
4 Cups 5 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 Minutes 4 Hours
Servings Prep Time
4 Cups 5 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 Minutes 4 Hours
Lychee Lime Lemonade
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
4 Cups 5 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 Minutes 4 Hours
Servings Prep Time
4 Cups 5 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 Minutes 4 Hours
Servings: Cups
  1. Blend everything together and place the mixture in the fridge until chilled.
Recipe Notes

You can strain this lemonade but I didn't because I like the texture and more less thing to clean.

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