Scallion Oil
Adapted from Helen Rennie at Special Equipment: Fine Mesh Sieve or Cheese Cloth
Cook Time
Cook Time
  1. Wash and thoroughly dry the scallions.
  2. Place the scallions and oil into a blender and blend until the mixture turns bright green (About 1 minute).
  3. Pour mixture into a pot and bring to a simmer.
  4. Once the mixture is simmering, remove from the heat and allow to cool.
  5. Strain the oil and mix with salt.
Recipe Notes

This oil will keep for 2-4 days in the fridge. Take out what you need and allow it to come to room temperature before using.

You can also freeze in an ice cube tray and use at a later time.

Depending on how you strained the oil, you may need to mix the oil before each use.

Keep the scallion roots in an open container filled with enough water to cover 2/3rd of the root. The scallions will regrow in about a week or so.

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