Scrambled Eggs
Special Equipment: A small (6-Inch) Non-stick Pan. If you don’t have one then just make sure the pan is well coated with butter.
Servings Prep Time
1People 1Minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
1People 1Minutes
Cook Time
  1. Crack the eggs in a bowl.
  2. Heat the pan over low-medium heat. Toss in the butter.
  3. As soon as the butter has melted, toss in the eggs.
  4. Crack the yolks and continuously stir the eggs. Make sure to scrape the sides as well (I do it in 10-15 second intervals).
  5. When the eggs are mostly set but still a little runny, add in 1 tsp of chives and sour cream. I like to season with salt at this point.
  6. Mix for 20-30 more seconds and remove from heat.
  7. Finish with black pepper and the remaining chives.
Recipe Notes


For scrambled eggs that are yellow all the way through: whisk the eggs before putting them in the pan.

For a softer, more velvety mouth feel: continuously mix the eggs in the pan over low heat.

For a lumpier, more substantial bite: mix the eggs less frequently (15-25 second intervals) over low-medium heat.

Sour cream can be replaced with: creme fraiche, butter, heavy cream or milk (my least favorite).

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