Thai Carnitas
Servings Prep Time
8Servings 30Minutes
Cook Time
8 & 1/2Hours
Servings Prep Time
8Servings 30Minutes
Cook Time
8 & 1/2Hours
  1. Wash and dry the pork shoulder.
  2. Trim the fat and run the pork shoulder with the ground turmeric, kosher salt and ground white pepper.
  3. Throw everything into a slow cooker and set in on low for 8 hours.
  4. Reserve some of the fat that has risen to the top.
  5. Turn your broiler on (500F). Pull the shoulder out of the slow cooker and shred the pork with two forks.
  6. Place your pulled pork on a baking sheet, pour in 2-3 tbsp of the reserved fat (season to taste at this point) and place it on the rack closest to the broiler for 7-10 minutes.
Recipe Notes

Regular coconut milk will break when heated for long periods of time so I recommend using the lite version. It will break as well but not as much and the oil will add flavor when the meat is broiled.

Expect to lose 1/2 – 1lb off your pork shoulder after you trim the fat.

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