Vanilla Panna Cotta Honey Ginger Poached Pears
Servings Prep Time
6Servings 10Minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
6Servings 10Minutes
Cook Time
Vanilla Panna Cotta
Honey Ginger Poached Pears
  1. Peel, core and halve the pears.
  2. Bring lemon juice, water, honey and ginger to a boil then reduce the heat to a simmer.
  3. Throw in the pears and simmer until the pears are fork tender (15 minutes for mine but this will vary depending on the size of your pears). Remove the pears to a container when they are ready.
  4. Bring your liquid to a boil reduce until the syrup has thickened slightly (5-8 minutes).
  5. Pour this mixture into your container with the pears and place it in the fridge when they are at room temp.
  6. Sprinkle the powdered gelatin over 2 tbsp of milk. Cut the vanilla pod in half (lengthwise) and scrape out the seeds.
  7. Prepare an ice bath that your pot will fit in.
  8. Throw your vanilla pod, seeds, cream, milk and sugar into a pot. Over medium heat, bring this mixture to a gentle simmer (this will take 5-7 minutes). Make sure to not boil this, milk burns easily.
  9. When you see little bubbles, bring the heat down to low and mix in your gelatin.
  10. When the gelatin has dissolved and the mixture is completely smooth, remove the vanilla pod and place your pot into the ice bath. Leave your mixture in the ice bath until it reaches room temp (5 minutes).
  11. Pour your mixture into whatever serving containers you have. Be sure to grease the containers if you want to serve these unmolded. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 6 hours but preferably overnight.
  12. Run a knife or toothpick along the side of the Panna Cotta and place the container in hot tap water for 15-20 seconds. Invert the dessert onto a plate. Garnish and serve.
Recipe Notes

The Panna Cotta recipe base is adapted from Russ Parsons’ recipe here. He wrote an amazing article that breaks this dessert down.

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