Christmas Crepes

Christmas Crepes? In February? Why not?

Crepes are good year around. They make the best breakfasts, most delicious dinners, spectacular snacks and can be catered to any holiday (except for the ones that involve fasting…obviously).

So why are these crepes called Christmas Crepes? Three reasons…

  1. I don’t care about SEO (some of you will get this and for the ones that don’t…I hope you never have to learn).
  2. The original name: “Crispy Crepes with sweet strawberries, fresh kiwi, homemade whipped cream and Nutella sauce” seemed a little too long.
  3. These Crepes remind me of…Christmas! I mean…Look at it.

The Red and Green. The blanket of powdered sugar “snow” that sits on top of that fluffy whipped cream. All packaged in a vanilla scented crepe (arguably the best kind of gift wrap known to man kind). As for the Nutella sauce, well…that doesn’t add to the Christmas theme but I included it because I didn’t think I needed to justify the inclusion of Nutella. Don’t go all Grinch on me now! Drown your crepes with the sauce or the ghost of Christmas past will never let you live it down. Yeah, I went there.

So now that you know where the inappropriate title came from, let me tell you about where this recipe came from. Pim (my GF) and I frequent this place called Crepevine (Altamonte Springs, FL). Pim, religiously, orders the Kloob Nika (klubnika translates to strawberry in Russian) while I am tasting my way through the entire menu. This crepe you see before you…

…is the Kloob Nika (minus the bananas).

We still go to Crepevine but because they are over two hours away, I had to come up with something to hold us over until our next fix. These crepes are crisp, flavorful and delicious…but just not “Crepevine Delicious.” Yeah, I can admit when I’m beat. Point is, if you have a Crepevine near you then please go and order the whole menu, if not then give these a shot.

C’mon channel that inner Christmas spirit and give the gift of crepes.




*I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with Crepevine. I just really love their crepes. Stay tuned because the next crepe recipe I do will be one you have never seen before. I hope.

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Christmas Crepes
Print Recipe
I used a 12 Inch Pan, the number of crepes you get will depend on the size of your pan.
Servings Prep Time
6 Crepes 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20 Minutes 1 Hour
Servings Prep Time
6 Crepes 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20 Minutes 1 Hour
Christmas Crepes
Print Recipe
I used a 12 Inch Pan, the number of crepes you get will depend on the size of your pan.
Servings Prep Time
6 Crepes 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20 Minutes 1 Hour
Servings Prep Time
6 Crepes 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
20 Minutes 1 Hour
Nutella Sauce
Filling and Toppings
Servings: Crepes
  1. In a blender, blend all of your "Crepe" ingredients together. Cover and set this mixture in the refrigerator for at least an hour (up to two days).
  2. In the meantime, whip your heavy cream, powdered sugar and vanilla extract together until you have whipped cream. Cover and refrigerate until you are ready to use.
  3. Cut up your strawberries and kiwis (the shape is up to you). Set aside until you are ready to use.
  4. In a microwave, heat up your milk, Nutella and salt (30 second intervals while mixing in between). You should have a smooth runny mixture. You can spoon this over the crepes or you can put it in a squeeze bottle. I went with the latter.
  5. When you are ready to make the crepes, melt a thin layer of butter over medium heat and pour in enough crepe batter to thinly coat your pan (this will depend on the size of your pan).
  6. Let the crepe cook until the top is completely dry (this picture shows one that is still a little wet).
  7. When the crepe is dry on top, carefully release the sides of the crepe from the pan.
  8. Flip the crepe.
  9. Set the crepe aside in an oven set at the lowest setting (mine was at 175F) and repeat the last 4 steps until you have used all your batter.
  10. Serve how you want. I stuffed a quarter of my crepe, folded it in half and folded it in half again.
  11. Plate and drown it with powdered sugar and Nutella sauce!
Recipe Notes

The Basic Crepes recipe belongs entirely to Mr. Alton Brown: His recipe can be found here

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