Fruit Dessert Tacos

Fruit Dessert Tacos are tacos…you have for dessert…that happen to have fruit in them. As if it wasn’t obnoxiously obvious. Simple concept but a not so simple origin. This is a “Mystery Box” challenge recipe I did with some talented home cooks I met on Instagram (Johnny and Jordan). Here were the rules…

Create a dish using the following ingredients and/or criteria

  1. Sushi Rice
  2. Nutella
  3. Powdered Sugar
  4. Something Green
  5. An Egg
  6. Taco

I know. I know. I know. This isn’t the most creative/cruel selection one can make for a “Mystery Box” (the ingredients all scream for a dessert). To make things even easier we decided that we may separate these ingredients into two separate dishes. I, being one to standout, decided to go savory and put everything into one recipe! After much trial and error (and a lot of wasted food)…I bow my head in shame and bring you a dessert. Let’s just say that Nutella is delicious…just not on steak…or chicken…or salmon…yeah, definitely not with salmon. So folks, I grudgingly present to you my Fruit Dessert Tacos.

Alright. Let’s break it down.

  1. Sushi Rice (I infused the rice with coconut milk and a touch of sugar. Yeah, I pulled it from this recipe)
  2. Nutella (Used in the Crème Anglaise that the fruits were drowned in)
  3. Powdered Sugar ( Well…this one needs no explanation)
  4. Something Green (I used kiwi, and a sprig of mint to be safe)
  5. A Single Egg (Yolk -> Crème Anglaise, White -> tuiles)
  6. Taco ( Vanilla scented tuiles)

What does it taste like? It’s not just the name that is obvious, these babies taste exactly like they look.

First you get the crunch from the tuile “taco”, then a hit of vanilla and sweet coconut, followed by the sweet tartness of the fruit, followed by a smooth, nutty, chocolate aftertaste. Yeah, these are little bites of bliss but I have to confess some thing…I’m not happy with how this recipe came out. *GASP* Yeah, you read that right.

Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed these. Now with that said, I would have enjoyed them a whole lot more without the Nutella Crème Anglaise. The Nutella Crème Anglaise is amazing but does not belong in this dish. It added an unneeded flavor, I’m not saying that it made the flavor worse but at the same time it didn’t elevate the flavors of the tacos. It did, however, make the fruit look brown. When you make these Fruit Dessert Tacos, I advise you to leave the Nutella Crème Anglaise out. I included it because 1) it was a part of the challenge and 2) I’m not ready for the impending mocking that will come from Johnny and Jordan.


Yeah…the sauce may not belong in this dish but it will definitely make it’s way into a future recipe of mine.

So to sum it all up

  • This is an easy “Mystery Box” challenge
  • I failed to be different…miserably
  • Fruit Dessert Tacos are delicious
  • They are even better without the Nutella Crème Anglaise
  • Check out the competition: Johnny and Jordan

If you have any ideas or would like to partake in the next one then please feel free to Email any one of us. Deuces!

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Fruit Dessert Tacos
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
12 Tacos 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 Hour 4 Hours
Servings Prep Time
12 Tacos 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 Hour 4 Hours
Fruit Dessert Tacos
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
12 Tacos 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 Hour 4 Hours
Servings Prep Time
12 Tacos 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 Hour 4 Hours
Nutella Crème Anglaise
Sweet Coconut Rice
Fruit Salsa
Servings: Tacos
Nutella Crème Anglaise
  1. Over low-medium heat, melt the Nutella in the whole milk. This mixture shouldn't simmer and be warm to the touch (bring this mixture off the heat if it gets any hotter than that).
  2. QUICKLY mix in the egg yolk and stir until your mixture thickens (enough to coat the back of a spoon). This will take about 5-7 minutes.
  3. Strain the mixture and refrigerate.
  1. Preheat your oven to 350F.
  2. Melt your unsalted butter and dissolve your sugar in it.
  3. Mix in your egg white and vanilla extract.
  4. Mix in the flour.
  5. Spoon some mixture onto a silpat mat or parchment paper. I used 1 tsp for each but the size is up to you. Bigger scoops=bigger tacos=more baking time. Using the back of your spoon, spread the batter to circles.
  6. Bake for 6-10 minutes depending on the size of you batter.
  7. Take the Tuiles out of the oven and quickly mold them into tacos. I used the back of a spatula as a mold and a small knife to release the Tuiles.
  8. Reserve the Tuiles for later (In an airtight containers if you don't plan on eating these ASAP).
Sweet Coconut Rice
  1. Cook your sushi rice (see notes). In the meantime heat up your coconut milk, sugar and salt to a simmer (medium heat, about 5-7 minutes).
  2. When the rice is done, fluff it up and pour in the coconut milk mixture. It will seem really watery but the rice will soak it all up. Let the rice sit covered for 20 minutes.
Fruit Salsa
  1. Dice up your fruit.
  2. Mix them up with the lemon juice.
  1. Fill the tacos and dust with powdered sugar. Serve!
Recipe Notes

Here is how you cook Sushi Rice (just replace the vinegar with the coconut milk mixture).

DO NOT mix the fruit until you are ready to serve. it will get really discolored.

I mixed my Nutella Crème Anglaise with the fruit but I highly suggest you don't. It will look better. :p

The tacos will get soggy if you don't eat them right away, I suggest you serve this "taco bar" style.

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