Lavender White Hot Chocolate

Lavender White Hot Chocolate! Why? Because It’s getting cold outside!

I shouldn’t complain though…I live in Florida. I haven’t seen real snow in years. Truth is, I’m just looking for an excuse to make hot chocolate and to use up the left over ingredients from the recipe I posted two days ago. Which one? Click here to find out!

This recipe is short, simple and sweet! Perfect for those lazy days. As a matter of fact, I’m having one of those now. Whether it is writers block, lack of motivation of sheer laziness…I will be keeping today’s post short. In the time you could’ve spent reading about how this recipe came to be you could’ve already made this drink. I’ll do an extra post tomorrow to make up for the lack of content today. For what ever reason…gravity is getting the best of me at this particular moment. Go ahead and give this a shot! Soooo Good!!!

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Lavender White Hot Chocolate
Print Recipe
2 People
Cook Time
10 Minutes
2 People
Cook Time
10 Minutes
Lavender White Hot Chocolate
Print Recipe
2 People
Cook Time
10 Minutes
2 People
Cook Time
10 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Over medium heat, bring all the ingredients to a simmer. Make sure to constantly stir until the chocolate has melted.
  2. Remove from heat and allow the how chocolate to steep for 5 minutes. Strain out the lavender and pour into serving cups.
  3. Find the softest blanket you own, get under it and make peace with your new found cup of joy.
Recipe Notes

White chocolate: Start with 4 oz and adjust to your desired sweetness. If you are using a bar, chop it up into small pieces to help it melt faster.


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