Nutella Soufflé

Love comes in many forms. A gentle kiss. A warm embrace. A large tub of Nutella accompanied by an obnoxiously large spoon. Most of you will understand what I mean. The individuals that don’t relate just haven’t been graced by Nutella yet. I understand that there are unfortunate souls out there that are allergic to nuts, my heart goes out to them.

*moment of silence for their loss*

Side Note: I don’t advise this but if I were allergic I would still be found with Nutella in one hand and an EpiPen in another. Just saying.

I’m not the only one crazy about this stuff. In 2015, a jar of Nutella was sold every 2.5 seconds. Nutella even has its own holiday! YES! That’s right…today, February 5th, is Nutella Day!!!

In celebration of Nutella Day I made Nutella Soufflés. Soufflé sounds decadent doesn’t it? It means “to breath” in French. Ironic because this dessert is breathtaking. You have a crunchy top followed by a melt in your mouth center. It’s like eating a crispy chocolaty cloud. So so so delicious.

If you haven’t had Nutella or a Souffle then you are missing out on two of life’s greatest pleasures. The good news is, you probably have all the ingredients you need to make this easy treat. A few ingredients and a bit of courage is all you need.

I put off making Soufflés for years thinking that it was best left to fancy chefs with the tall white hats. I thought it was a top tier, master chef, upscale restaurant kind of recipe. It’s not. It just looks and tastes like it does. The woman I made this for thinks I am an “amazingly talented chef destined for culinary greatness”….hahaha, I’m going to let her keep thinking that. After all, this recipe is the best way I know to get “brownie points.” Don’t wait like I did, I really hope you make these soon, they are sooooo worth it!




Note to Pim (My GF): Hey babe, if you are reading this, please ignore that last paragraph. Ok, love you, bye.

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Nutella Soufflé
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 30 Minutes
Cook Time
15 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 30 Minutes
Cook Time
15 Minutes
Nutella Soufflé
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 30 Minutes
Cook Time
15 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 30 Minutes
Cook Time
15 Minutes
Nutella Soufflé Base
Servings: Servings
  1. Preheat the oven to 400F.
  2. Place 1 tsp of butter in each ramekin and melt in a microwave (10 seconds).
  3. Using a paper towel, spread the melted butter throughout the inside of the ramekin (make sure it is coated well).
  4. Pour in 1 tbsp of sugar in each ramekin and coat. Pour off the excess sugar.
Nutella Soufflé Base
  1. Melt the Nutella and unsalted butter in a microwave (20 second intervals). When the Nutella is runny and the butter is melted, mix them together. Add the egg yolk and salt, mix them in.
  1. Beat the egg whites until they are frothy. Add in the cream of tartar.
  2. Continue beating until you have soft peaks.
  3. Add in the sugar (1 tbsp at a time) and beat until you have stiff peaks.
  1. MIX in 1/3 of the meringue with the Nutella soufflé base.
  2. FOLD in the remaining 2/3 of the meringue.
  3. Pour the mixture into the ramekins and run your thumb through the sides to detach the mixture from the rim (this will help it rise).
  4. Place the souffles in the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes (until they have risen about an inch).
  5. Dust with powdered sugar and enjoy AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
Recipe Notes

For tips and a video on how to make souffles: Beth's Chocolate Souffle Recipe

When making these, try not to "lick the spoon" too much. The sugar coma will take away from the Nutella Souffle Experience.


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