What is better than roasting S’mores over a camp fire in the middle of the summer?
Many things! Like enjoying Rocky Road Ice Cream…away from bears…in an air conditioned room…while binge watching the latest TV series. Sounds pretty good right? Let’s make it even better! Let’s take the Rocky Road Ice Cream, marry it to camp fire S’mores and awe in the presence of their beautiful food baby.
But before we dive into the Deconstructed Rocky Road S’mores, here is a bit of history behind Rocky Road Ice cream:
- Created by William Dreyer…
- To cheer people up after the Wall Street Crash of 1929.
- Was the first major ice cream flavor after Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry.
- Rocky Road Ice Cream is a divine cold combination of chocolate, toasted almonds and marshmallows.
- S’mores is a warm treat with melted chocolate and toasted marshmallows sandwiched between two graham crackers.
- Deconstructed Rocky Road S’mores is the best of both!!
The question you may have is, what are you looking at?
In detail: Rocky Road Ice Cream sitting on a bed of toasted graham cracker crumbs and torched marshmallow fluff. That seductive scoop is then topped off with dark chocolate chips and roasted almonds. The warm chocolate ganache is optional but from a truly rational stance…I don’t see why not.
In short: A chocolate lover’s wet dream!
In reality: This is just another byproduct of my compulsive urge to deface and over complicate traditional food.
Like the last post I did on Deconstructed Milk and Cookies, this is more of an idea than a recipe. Grab your favorite ice cream and let your inner artist free! If you have any suggestions then please send me an email.
Alright guys, this is where I’m ending it today. I have to go and work off a quart of ice cream’s worth of calories. NO REGRETS, this was totally worth it!
- 2 tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 8 oz Graham Cracker Crushed
- 1/8 tsp Kosher Salt
- S'mores Ice Cream To taste
- 8 oz Marshmallow Fluff
- Dark Chocolate Chips To taste
- Roasted Salted Almonds Crushed, To taste
- Melted Chocolate Optional
- I didn't have Roasted Salted Almonds so I crushed up some raw ones and toasted them over medium heat (with a dash of salt) for 3-5 minutes.
- Over Medium Heat, melt the butter and mix in your salt and Crushed Graham Crackers (3-4 minutes, until they have turned golden brown).
- Spoon some Marshmallow Fluff on a plate and quickly torch it (mine got color in about 3 seconds).
- Throw everything onto the plate and serve!
If you don't have a torch, you can spread the marshmallow fluff on an oven safe plate and bake for 3-5 minutes (or until brown) at 350F