Volcano “Sushi” Fries

I’m not all too sure as to what Japanese people eat at their bars. I can assure you that it’s not what I have presented here. Also, I know this isn’t sushi but it is inspired by flavors commonly found in sushi…that kinda counts. Right? I knew you’d understand!

The origin of this Americanized Japanese dish dates back to the year 2015. Last week. In a Chinese buffet. By a Chinese guy.

I know, I know. Nothing makes sense. Well my dear reader, I shall explain…..

It was an ordinary day, pretty mundane to say the least. I walked into a Chinese buffet with the intent to eat my weight in sushi. My plate, much like my peers’, resembled mini skyscrapers of yummy goodness. Why not just use two plates? Well…then I wouldn’t be able to pick off my plate on the walk back to the table! That’s simple glutton logistics. Anyways, the buffet had a kani salad (shredded imitation crab) that I had no room for. I did what I had to do to make room (ie. ate a few fries to make room). I then placed a heaping amount of the salad on top of my remaining fries. Ta da! The birth of Volcano Fries!! Simple in principle but very tasty.

But Fiya, why does this look more like a campfire than a volcano? Volcano sounds more epic…end of discussion.

Now the breakdown of this dish. Steak fries and Nori Crumble make up the base (volcano and dirt). The crab salad is then placed on top (lava). Sriracha drizzle (fire). Scallion (trees that haven’t been burned down yet?). It’s hard to believe, but this concoction was created without a single drop of alcohol in my system. That’s not to say that it shouldn’t be enjoyed with a nice cold beer or sake. This dish is made for all the women that can’t decide on where to eat and the men that are too drunk to care about what they eat. Volcano Fries are going to end up in bars across the States…just…you..wait!

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Volcano Fries
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
4 People 10 Minutes
Cook Time
40 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 People 10 Minutes
Cook Time
40 Minutes
Volcano Fries
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
4 People 10 Minutes
Cook Time
40 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 People 10 Minutes
Cook Time
40 Minutes
The Base
Lava (Crab Salad)
To Serve
Servings: People
  1. Cook fries according to package directions. I baked mine (Yeah, I'm lazy :p). When they are done, sprinkle on a pinch of salt and set aside.
  2. While the fries are in the oven. Heat 1 tsp over medium heat. Toast the panko crumbs until they are golden brown being sure to move the pan for even toasting (about 5 minutes). Add the furikake and a pinch of salt then toast for another minute.
  3. Shred the imitation crab stick (they pull apart like string cheese). Then mix with the rest of the ingredients for the "Lava".
  4. To serve: stack fries in a pile, sprinkle panko mixture around the pile and lay the "Lava" on top. Then garnish with sriracha and scallions.
Recipe Notes

(Steak Fries+Sauce)+Nori Crumble+Kani Salad=Perfect Bite!!

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